November 4, 2024
This page contains an up-to-date list of third-party sub-processors engaged by EdMyst that may process personal data or personal information of EdMyst customers and their users and/or candidates in connection with use of the EdMyst services.
Sub-processor | Legal Entity | Purpose | Location of Processing | Customer Data Type Processed |
AWS | Amazon Web Services, Inc. | Cloud hosting platform User audio analysis |
US | Candidate Data |
Google Cloud Platform | Google LLC | Facial image analysis User audio analysis |
US | Candidate Data |
OpenAI Inc. | OpenAI Inc. | User profile | US | Candidate Data |
AutoProctor | Socratease, Inc. | Assessment taker is monitored using camera and microphone | US | Candidate Data |
Azure | Microsoft | Libraries for pronunciation, modulation and fluency in the user inputs | US | Candidate Data |